At the end of the day your feet should be dirty, your hair should be messy and your eyes sparkling!

A report on the Wild Wood Festival                                                                                                     On Monday I went to the Wild Wood Festival with my Mum and Eleanor.  First can I just say- boy, were we dirty when we got back from this festival! Mum said we needed a bath before our bath. But that is how it should be!  Our first stop was to see some armour including unbreakable chain-mail, a heavy helmet and a sword to fight back like a Gryffindor.

Next we stopped at the archery where I enjoyed firing arrows at the targets. I was very good and had another go.

As we ventured into the woods we heard a magical tune, I felt an adventure coming on! We wandered deeper into the dark wood where we found ‘The Green  Man of the Woods, on his wooden throne playing a little flute. Because we were the first people there we got to talk to him and he played the bagpipe for me as we talked about wizards and going to a special wizard school in Scotland.

I found a gateway to a climbing park, but it had to wait because I had to get to my poetry lesson.

My poetry lesson which was in the Woodland Shelter where we created a haiku that was three lines, each one a certain amount of syllables. One line has five syllables then 7 syllables and 5 syllables. Mine was about feeling free when I climb trees which is my favourite thing to do!                                                                                                                  Around the corner we found a tree that had headphones where we heard the groans of growth and the rustles of water. We met the inventor of the microphone who listens to trees for his job! Mum said she wanted to do that job. I agreed!

After that we went to an area we saw helmets and harnesses. We heard laughing from above. When it was our time they told us to put the equipment on. I  lined up at a giant oak tree. We had ropes hanging from high branches and they told us to put the leg loop up and pull up, then the hand loop up to rise.  I got to the highest branch on my rope, It was so hard at first but once I got the technique I was climbing high with the professionals.

Finally after lunch and the climbing park where Eleanor did a lot of balancing and jumping, we walked through the festival field and found the pewter casting. I bought a cuttle fish to carve where I created a lightning bolt to wear when I am Harry Potter.  I then waited while the man melted pewter to pour into my cast. It had to cool before I could touch it. It worked, because some designs didn’t, I was happy because I  loved it.      Then, as always, we had an ice cream. I had mint choc-chip. The end.                                                                                                                                                                                                         





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