Bluebell City

A Bluebell City

I run in the deep woodland

Bluebells swaying

I am running through a bluebell city

I can hear them softly hum as they watch me

I climb.

I can hear the singing of the birds above in the trees

I am high in my tree to sit and catch the secret

The busy bluebell city

Tree climbing is my magic and I can cast a spell when I sit here very still.

Bees, butterflies and dragonflies appear and go on with their work.

Busy butterflies at intersections dance and circle me and each other,

Bustling bee highways buzz as they move from flower to flower.

I can see this hidden world as I climb and look down from my tree,

But sometimes, I lie back on the cool ground and let the bluebells look down on me.

bluebell city.jpg

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